6 – 12 JAN 2016
Opening: 6 JAN 2016, 6.30 pm
Space is never a neutral environment from which sounds are spread; it acts upon their form – in particular, through their timbre and the duration of the reverberation – but also on their meaning: ‘space is the register in which sound can happen and sound can have meaning.(Jonathan Sterne, 2010:91)’(Matthieu Saladin, Tracing sound space, TACET N°3, 2014) Stéphane Clor is by training a musician, sound technician and an electroacoustician, who ventured into the digital and transdisciplinary art in order to explore the connection between sound, space, movement, and spontaneity. His main interest lies in describing the moment – what happens right now, at the peak focus and tension, when perpetual decision-making influences the outcome in a way that could not have been a priori determined. Inspired by his experiences in improvised music, he creates installations and performances that relate to momentary experiences, soundscapes, kinesthetic spaces, the visible, and the invisible. The piece as a whole cannot be anticipated, but rather arises by being constantly re-evaluated.
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